Collective tools


How do member organizations communicate and coordinate?


One of the stated goals of CHATONS is to "share information among its members."

To accomplish this, several tools are available to the members:

  • a forum
  • a documentation wiki
  • a repository on framagit
  • a kitten generator
  • instant messaging rooms


The forum

It is open to members of the collective but also to all people wishing to follow the discussions of the collective or ask questions to the kittens about their services, their infrastructures or ask their opinion on hosting projects and future kittens. With the monthly virtual meetings, it is a central point of communication between the organisations members of the collective CHATONS.


The wiki

Entitled "la litière" (french for "the litter box"), it is one of the means implemented by the kittens to achieve their goal, which is is to document both: the evolution of the CHATONS project, the actions developed by the collective, the resources built to grow the members' projects. This documentation is open to all members (but not only) and will be enriched over time.


The depository on Framagit

The various projects, present and future (,, the kitten generator), the audit and voting of applications, as well as the documents (charter, manifesto and communication visuals) of the collective can be found here.


The kitten generator

This tool allows you to create kitten avatars according to the same graphic charter as the logo of the collective, because it is important to be able to recognize each other between kitties.


Instant messaging rooms

Using different protocols but interconnected - bridged - together, these chat rooms offer a space for those who want more direct exchanges than the asynchronous forum interactions to casually discuss the collective. Currently, three rooms exist:

A Matrix room:

A XMPP room :

An IRC channel : #chatons sur